
Khrystyna Syvolap is an award-winning director from Ukraine specializing in both comedy and drama. She is passionate about making character-driven stories, blurring the line between reality and fantasy.

Although Khrystyna has achieved many successes and accolades, here are a few to highlight:

  • “Not Today”, her directorial debut, won the Best Short Film award at the Trieste Film Festival in Italy. She also co-wrote this film. 
  • “Viddana”, her directorial debut feature film, is a period drama based on Ukrainian bestselling novel “Felix Austria.” It landed on Polish national television in prime time and on HBO & Netflix in Eastern Europe. 
  • Directed “Step Den”, a 16-episode adaptation of a New Zealand television comedy series “Step Dave”.
  • Member of Ukrainian Film Academy and Directors Guild of Ukraine.
  • Education: Master of Arts in film directing and scriptwriting – Kyiv National University of Theatre, Film and Television (I. K. Karpenko-Kary Film School), Ukraine.

Currently located in Vancouver, Canada.


    Represented By Brittany Melanson
    o: 604.733.9800